Thursday, September 25, 2014

Friends for Life

It has been a long while since I have had a chance to write a post but I am so excited about this weekend that I have too many words jumping around in my head and my hubby is at work so I can't empty them all out onto him so this is the next best thing.  But before I start emptying my head, I will

Where do I start?  I absolutely love my life.  Yes, there are bad parts in it ( just like everyone else) but I am not going to let the bad shadow over the good.  I have a wonderful husband who is my best friend and two gorgeous children who are growing up to be absolutely awesome and we are all very close.  I also have a job that I absolutely love.  I am lucky that I have finally learnt to focus on the positives because there were a few annoying years where I just didn't get it I wasn't comfortable in my own skin at all and was resentful of other who seemed to have it all together.

Anyone who really knows me will know that I don't let people in very easily.  I guess it is a case of once bitten twice shy and I am very wary and nervous of meeting new people.  It is so easy to put on a smile and mask your nerves so you can come across as confident and happy.  This is why I am so grateful for the very few people I have let through the walls to see the real me.

Apart from my hubby and kids who always see the real me and (luckily for me) love me unconditionally (and I love them the same), I can count on one hand the other special people I have let my walls down for.  Some are new friends and live close by and the others I have known forever.  They have seen my flaws and they have been there for the great times and in either situation they have always been there.  They will tell me to suck it up if I am being stupid and laugh with me when I am being silly.  There is no need to try and be someone else to please them or to gain their approval.

Now back to why I am so excited.  This weekend I am heading off with one of my oldest and best friends in the world.  I have known her most of my life and she is more like a sister than a friend.  When I look back at all the funny and stupid things I have done she was always there with me.  This is our first weekend adventure since having kids where we will get to go and have some fun on our own.  Throw in a fancy dress party and a daggy place to stay and I am sure that there are going to be a lot of laughs,

To top off this classic adventure I then get to see another special person in my life who was also up front and centre in our shenanigans.  With these girls I have had some of the funniest times of my life and I know without a doubt that we can rely on each other 100% and we are always there when the other one needs it.  Even though I moved to another state, I love that when we call or visit that we always pick up where we left off and it is like we haven't had any time apart.

I feel like a kid going to camp and have already packed and am ready to go.  Only one more sleep!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Another Fist Pump Moment

Friday 11th October 2013
I am so excited about how things are going I thought I would post a photo from the day I started my new lifestyle and a photo that was taken yesterday.

I have had another awesome fist pump moment since my last post and I just had to share it with you (whether you like it or not!) because I am so proud of myself.

Last week I was feeling like poo.  Getting very dizzy and nearly fainting.  This is not like me so I reluctantly took myself off to the doctors and shelled out $70, that could've been spent on a pair of awesome shoes, to find out what could be causing this awful feeling.  As it turned out it was a great reason that was causing these symptoms and I can't believe I didn't work it out for myself!  For the first time in years I had low blood pressure! 

Even when I was skinnier than I am now I still needed blood pressure tablets.  I always joke that I am a high performance vehicle and I run on the good stuff and I was so used to taking the tablets that I didn't think this would be what was causing all the problems.  

Now, thanks to regular exercise and a healthy diet, I am drug free and still have low blood pressure!  I have also noticed that I am not as anxious as I used to be and I have a lot more confidence in myself and I am a lot more relaxed and I have ever been!

This awesome feeling certainly is worth all the effort!  I will admit that I have been missing my chocolate and wine but I have started introducing small doses back into my diet and have still been losing weight.   I now have faith in myself that I am strong enough to do anything without using wine or chocolate as a crutch to make me feel happy.  From now on I will stick to my exercise and instead of having regular wine, chocolate and coffee I will treat myself to some new shoes instead!  Luckily shoes don't have any calories I would definitely be in trouble.

I look forward to my next fist pump moment so I can share it with you :-)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fist Pump Moment

Thursday 26th September 2013

I love those moments when you feel so awesome that you want to put your shirt over your head and run around the room doing the aeroplane!  Today I had one of those moments, and if it wasn't for the extra clients looking on I would've been flying around like crazy!

This morning was my appointment with my dietitan for a weigh and measure.  I have dreaded these days for my whole life.  I am a firm believer that all scales are evil and must be destroyed.  We have had a hate/hate relationship my entire life but for the first time ever I am not hating the scales as much as I used to.  I was even called "a star student" by the dietitian (and for a nerd like me I was totally wrapped with the praise!).

Since I started a program with my dietitan I am so much happier, I feel more energised and even though I am eating twice as much as I used to, I am losing weight so easily!  Holy moly!  The experts were right!

The kids are loving it too because we have an agreement that if they help me stay on track and not eat junk that I will give them $1 each for every kilo I lose.  At this rate I am going to be broke!  Lol.

The old me would've used good news like this as a reason to have a glass of wine or some chocolate to celebrate but instead of doing that today I celebrated by swimming laps while the girls had diving lessons.  Either I am going crazy or I am getting healthy, either way I'm loving it!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Soldiering On!

Wednesday 11th September 2012

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Today I am writing a post to celebrate some of the hurdles I have overcome.  Some of these obstacles I feel like I have been struggling with forever and others are just recent blows that life has thrown at me as life usually does.

For those of you that know me would know that I have struggled with my weight and digestion for my whole life.  It is like I am constantly on a diet and always depressed about how I look.  This year I decided that it was time to take the diet monster by the horns and beat the crap out of it!!

I had developed some really bad habits when I was in my previous job.  I used to be so busy that I would skip lunch and then eat a chocolate for energy.  The worst part was there was no access to toilets without closing the store so I wouldn't drink water during the day.  While I was working there I put on 15kg.  I always joke that I should've gotten workers comp for getting fat!

Anyone who has struggled with their weight will understand how depressing it is to get dressed every morning.  I got to the point where I excluded myself from going places so I didn't feel like everyone was looking at me or talking about me behind my back.  I had convince myself that everyone else was as obsessed about my body shape as I was.  Haha as if they don't have better things to do!  I was totally paranoid.

Back in July my friend and I decided to do something about it.  My friend had nowhere near as much weight to lose as me!  We got a training plan and diet and we stuck to it but I was finding that my body wasn't responding the way I wanted and my digestive system was so slow that I felt awful and wasn't losing much weight and my friend was a weight loss machine!  Instead of my usual reaction of giving in and going back to my old ways I went to see a dietitian who gave me a meal plan to help with my digestive problems.  After that, not only did I feel fantastic, the weight starting coming off!  Still not at the same rate as my friend but at a good rate.

Around the same time as our new workout program I was offered a position in the field that I am studying in.  This meant that I couldn't get to the gym as much as my friend or as much as I wanted to but this position was exactly what I was looking for so there was no way I was not going to take it.  I just had to make sure that I didn't give up the gym and my healthy diet plan in the process!

I am now happy to say that in the past 2 months I have lost 7kg.  I have lost 3cm off my bust, 4cm off my hips and a whopping 16cm off my waist!!

I have tried every shake, pill, carb free diet and "quick fix" known to man and none of them have had the lasting results that I have been able to achieve so far from this healthy plan.  If you are like me and are looking at long term results please go and speak to a dietitian, your body will thank you for it in the end and since it's all real and accessible food the whole family can eat it is easy to follow and you are never hungry!

I am so proud of what I have achieved so far and am still motivated to keep going to stay healthy.  As I see it, I am not on a diet, I have had a lifestyle change.  I have also noticed that I am not having the negative and toxic thoughts that I so easily succumbed to before.  I know that I will never be model thin or a size 8 and for the first time in my life I am comfortable with that.  As long as I feel great and I am happy with what I see in the mirror then nothing else matters.  I don't have to be anyone else's ideal, just my own.  It has been a long journey to get here but it has been worth every single step and although I know that I will stumble along the way I will always think back to how terrible it was feeling so low and make sure that I never get to that point again!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Feeling the Burn

Friday 5th July 2013

It's so easy to fall back into negative habits (mentally and physically) and I find that when one side seems to slip that the other follows pretty quickly.

Since we got back from our big trip our whole family has been super busy with work, school and study that we haven't had the time to spend on our physical fitness as what we have had before.  This was really starting to get me down and I was turning into a bit of a reclusive hermit.  That's when the negative thoughts start to take over.

I was getting to this point and decided enough was enough so I have gone back to the gym to sort myself out.  Now I am the first to admit that I am easily distracted from my goals and I hate working on the machines there.  I like to know that when I am working that I am going somewhere!  So after weighing up all of my options and limitations I decided on the gym at the aquatic centre.  Not only were their prices the cheapest around, they also have a lot of classes I love and if I can't get to the class then they have the pool where I can do laps.  This was the clincher for me because I love to swim!  I have been getting so frustrated because I have been working most morning when the classes are on so by the time I finish I didn't bother going to my old gym because I don't like the machines.

The other bonus has been that I can take the kids in the school holidays and work on our swimming together so they are getting an outlet to release their energy as well!

Now I just have to keep my head in the zone and not stray off the path!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Staying on Track

Tuesday 4th June 2013

Sometimes it is so easy to slip back into some old habits that aren't always that good for keeping a positive mind.  Whether it is a reaction to something that a person has said or done or a situation that is out of my control, I still find that I don't always handle things in the way I would like to.  Then I have to remind myself that I am only human and that the first step to change is recognising my reactions.

I always find myself feeling a bit flat in winter, I really miss the hot days and warm nights.  But instead of dwelling on things and wishing the winter months away I now look for fun things to do to stay warm and keep the negative cloud away!

I can't control the environment around me, I can only control myself and my actions.  I am finding that although this looks good on paper that it is so much harder to live it in real life and instead of being so hard on myself when I fall over, I should be focusing on the fact that I pick myself back up and learn from my mistakes and move forward.

I think the airline industry might be onto something when they charge for excess baggage,  I need to remember to leave my excess baggage behind because I always pay for it when I carry it around with me!

So today I am going to sit back and enjoy a nice cup of coffee and be grateful for my lovely friends and family and also bask in the glow of passing my first semester in my course.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Living the Dream

From the moment we booked the flights, to the day we went and now that we are back home and back to reality, I still feel  like it has been a dream!  I am so grateful for being lucky enough to win the money to be able to take our family on the trip of a lifetime and go to places that I have always dreamed of going but never thought would happen!

Even now I keep pinching myself to make sure that I am awake and not dreaming!!

For those of you who don't know, last year I was lucky enough to be invited to go onto a game show.  The most exciting part was that I won a little bit of money and for the first time in our lives my hubby and I decided that we were going to do something fun and not be our boring sensible selves!  We sat the family down and all said "if there is one place in the world you could go to on a holiday where would it be?" 

The kids and my hubby picked Hawaii and I jumped at the chance to be able to go to Las Vegas and renew our vows with Elvis!  We also decided that since we were over that side of the world that it would be totally ridiculous if we didn't go to Disneyland and LA and all the other exciting places while we were there.

Once we had decided on where we would like to go we set off to the travel agents without list of things to do.  We had booked 3 weeks of awesomeness and adventure that would give us a lifetime of memories!

It has been over 30 years that my hubby and I have been wanting to go to Disneyland (it's every kids dream isn't it?!) so to be able to share this experience with our girls made this trip even more exciting!!  Throw in extra trips to Universal Studios, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, San Diego Sea World, Legoland, the Grand Canyon and Hawaii and you have the ultimate dream holiday!!

Even now I can't put into words how grateful I am to be able to go on such an awesome adventure with my most treasured loved ones!!

This has definitely been one of those memorable moments in my life that I will always carry with me and that I wish everyone could experience!  There is nothing better than that feeling you get when you can live out one of your dreams!

Now I will start chasing my next dream because I have proven to myself that you can catch them!  And it's definitely worth it when you do!